
vGPU Wiki

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# What is vGPU?

Nvidia vGPU is a proprietary technology developed by Nvidia for use in the data center with certain Tesla and Quadro cards. The technology is aimed at the VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure) market, with the intention of remote users using a remote desktop solution to carry out work. Different remote applications include CAD/CAM software, gaming (think: GeForce Now), architecture, and many other graphics accelerated programs.

The information in this wiki will assist in using vGPU features on consumer GPUs such as GeForce and Quadro series cards. Using vGPU on unsupported hardware (such as this) is not recommended, but the tools/documentation provided here will still enable certain cards to run the technology.

This project is provided to the end user with no warranty or support whatsoever. Nvidia vGPU and GRID are trademarks of NVIDIA Corporation. They reserve all rights to their products and trademarks. All other trademarks and products mentioned here are the property of their respective owners. This project does allow the bypassing of any expenses or costs associated with using the mentioned technologies in this document and is to be used at the risk of the end user, not the maintainers of the project. The project maintainers are also not liable for any damages to the end user, should a user ever incur one. Though extremely unlikely for any physical hardware damage to occur, the project maintainers and/or creators are not responsible in any way. This project has been made open source in an effort to keep all code and resources viewable by any users in order to help build a more informed decision as to whether one should use the tool or not. We are not providing this project for use in any malicious or harmful context. In addition, this tool shall NOT be used in any production environment.